The science

Positive psychology plays a crucial role in the workplace

a man and two women sitting at a table laughing together

Our programs are science informed and recognised to work

The application of positivepsychology plays a crucial role in enhancing employee engagement, productivity,and overall satisfaction in the workplace. The science behind its importancecan be explained through several key concepts.


We’re experts in distillingcomplex wellbeing science from fields such as positive psychology, neuroscienceand emotional intelligence sourced from world-leading institutions such asHarvard, Standford and UPenn. We love sharing these insights in an engaging andinteractive way.

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Positive Psychology

Traditional psychology has tended to focus on treating mental ill-health including conditions like anxiety and depression. While positive psychology focuses on proactively promoting wellbeing and optimal functioning.

This relatively new field of study was founded by Martin Seligman, who developed the PERMA model. Along with the PERMA model other concepts of positive psychology include character strengths, gratitude, optimism, positive emotions, ‘flow’ states of performance and meaning to name a few. The science is clear – when we feel good we function well!

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Neuroscience is the study of the brain and nervous system as a whole. The field helps us understand our emotions, behaviour and cognition (thinking). In a work setting, we can apply these theories to optimise our wellbeing, productivity and decision-making. The application of neuroscience can support emotional regulation and stress management, improved self-awareness, the forming of healthy habits as well as improving creativity and mental clarity.

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Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence, commonly known as EQ (emotional quotient) is the ability to understand and respond to our emotions and the emotions of others. The term was first coined in the 1990’s by John Mayer and Peter Salovey and was later popularised by psychologist Daniel Goleman.

It includes concepts such as self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. Being more emotionally intelligent at work helps improve communication and relationships, decision-making, resilience and wellbeing, while also supporting leadership effectiveness.

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